The Importance of Active Recovery Days for Perimenopausal and Menopausal Women

  • Muscle Recovery: Allows your muscles to repair and grow stronger. When you strength train, tiny tears occur in your muscle fibres. Rest days give these fibres time to repair and grow, leading to increased muscle strength and size.

  • Prevents Injury: Reduces the risk of overuse injuries by giving your body time to heal. Continuous strain on your muscles and joints can lead to injuries. Taking regular rest days ensures that your body has time to recover.

  • Boosts Performance: Helps you perform better during workouts by preventing burnout. Consistent training without rest can lead to burnout and decreased performance. Incorporating rest days into your routine allows your muscles and energy systems to recharge, so you can give your best effort in each workout.

  • Reduces Inflammation: Gives your body a break, reducing inflammation and soreness. Intense workouts can cause inflammation and muscle soreness. Rest days help reduce this inflammation, promoting quicker recovery and less discomfort, which is especially important for women experiencing menopausal symptoms like joint pain.

  • Balances Hormones: Helps regulate hormones, which is crucial during menopause. Exercise can impact hormone levels, including cortisol and estrogen. Rest days help maintain a hormonal balance by preventing the overproduction of stress hormones, which can disrupt your overall hormonal health.

    💥 Ready to take the next step?

    Join me at Cara Fitness for strength training programs designed for perimenopausal, menopausal women and beyond.

    Click below to learn more and start your journey to a stronger, healthier you!

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Midlife Does NOT Have To Be Miserable!

Are you ready to take back your life and find YOU again!

Here is how you can lose weight, reduce your menopause symptoms and feel fabulous with workouts that are just 15 minutes!

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Our biggest saving - working out with 2 months free! 


I have a whole new mindset since finding Cara Metz the menopausal fitness master, motivator who leaves you wanting more with her realness and amazing 15 min workouts !!!!! 😊👍❤️ Thank you so much, I feel alive again!!! Good riddens hot flashes, bingo wings and muffin top !!!!

Susan Marie


What can I say. Cara Metz truly understands her tribe and approaches us all as individuals at the same time. This makes a huge difference when you feel so understood and supported, gives you a lift.

The group of women here, worldwide, are incredible. We all have our own ups and downs and the reward of being here is feeling genuinely cared for.

I lost my way about 18 months ago and briefly left the group feeling quite lost. It soon became apparent that I was menopausal and that Cara Metz was exactly what I needed! I rejoined and am a very happy woman for it, thank you to every single member. 🧡

Nadine Pruce


How can one sum up Cara?

Well life is like a train ride, we will meet many new passengers on our journey, but the inspiration, encouragement , friendships and support that you experience on this train ride with Cara Metz will make an everlasting impact on you! You will learn to give yourself grace, to get up and move, to make healthier eating choices, to embrace menopause instead of feeling frustrated and trying to run from it because you can’t !!! You will learn to love yourself just as you are… you be you 💞 no competition here.

Mary Pritchett Gueldenzopf


Cara fitness has taught me how to understand the changes due to menopause and learn to love my body again through realistic fitness classes that have made an incredible difference. Meditation, that has helped me not to feel like I'm losing my mind . Cara has given you a sense of normality which is definitely needed at this time in our lives and she's created a community of women who are all going through these daily challenges and are incredibly supportive on the good days and the bad. In a nutshell, Cara fitness is just simply addictive.

Claire Leadbeater


Cara has redefined what it means to workout after 50. I feel energized and motivated again because of Cara and the community.

Cheryl Corley Strom


Cara is encouraging, empathetic and kind. So happy to have found her app. It’s like having my own little personal trainer in my iPad. I actually look forward to working out now as the 15 minute workouts are manageable and worthwhile. There is so much content available and the programs are well structured. I feel committed, motivated and strong and I am excited to see my progress!! Thankyou Cara fitness!

Tiff Wall


<div class="editor-content"><p><span style="font-size: 0.875rem">Susan Marie</span></p></div>, <div class="editor-content"><p><em><span style="font-size: 0.75rem">Subscriber</span></em></p></div>
<div class="editor-content"><p><span style="font-size: 0.875rem">Nadine Pruce</span></p></div>, <div class="editor-content"><p><em><span style="font-size: 0.75rem">subscriber</span></em></p></div>
<div class="editor-content"><p><span style="font-size: 0.875rem">Mary Pritchett Gueldenzopf</span></p></div>, <div class="editor-content"><p><em><span style="font-size: 0.75rem">subscriber</span></em></p></div>
<div class="editor-content"><p>Claire Leadbeater</p></div>, <div class="editor-content"><p><em><span style="font-size: 0.75rem">Subscriber</span></em></p></div>
<div class="editor-content"><p><span style="font-size: 0.875rem">Cheryl Corley Strom</span></p></div>, <div class="editor-content"><p><em><span style="font-size: 0.75rem">subscriber</span></em></p></div>
<div class="editor-content"><p><span style="font-size: 0.875rem">Tiff Wall</span></p></div>, <div class="editor-content"><p><em><span style="font-size: 0.75rem">subscriber</span></em></p></div>

A message from me, Cara, to you. 

'Surely 15 minutes is not enough, what else do you do?'
This is the question I get all the time. It works because it allows you to stay
consistent. All the time you put too much pressure on yourself to workout, you find it difficult to stay consistent because you tend to stop when life throws a curve ball your way!


Having the mantra
'it is just 15 minutes' let's you know it will be over before you know it! Therefore allowing a sustainable workout lifestyle to be born. We work on mindset and nutrition for women over 40 too and this will all become clear once you become part of the Cara Fitness family.

Your Best You is Right Here

Now is the time to put yourself first! 

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